👑 Tier 2
This type of users are people who have already connected to our system and paid for "Tier 2" to maximum functionality. Don't forget that by connecting only a Telegram account you get access to free 👁 Tier 0 permanently (instructions can be found in the section 🔥 Premium -> 📢 Introduction )
Learn more by visiting our premium page
In order to purchase and activate this tariff, choose one of the three tariffs, which is located on the right edge and is called "Tier 2", and press the "Activate" button, after which we confirm the purchase.
Нужна гифка где юзер покупает премиум Тир 2
So, what do our users get when they get "Tier 2":
- All of them, 🎩 Anonym user , 👁 Tier 0 docs.and 🏆 Tier 1
- Maximum 10 token tracking quantity
- Notifications about open trading
- AntiWhale limit data (in tx and wallet)
- Activation of a referral link
- Protection from dead blocks
- Inner system filter
- Social score information
- Twitter verification (soon)
- Tokenomics analysis (soon)
- Token Score (soon)
Below we provide information to help you better understand the above points. This tariff allows you to get the best advantage and make the best trading decisions to maximize your chances of successful trading :)
Learn more by visiting our premium page
#Maximum 10 token tracking quantity
When adding tokens to the "Tokens monitoring" widget, the user can add a maximum of 10 unique tokens, customizing them with different parameters. Once the customized signals are triggered, the information will be transmitted to the specified telegram bot.
Нужна гифка где юзер добавляет в «Tokens monitoring» токен и получает уведомление о том что превышен лимит
#Notifications about open trading
Users can now take advantage of a unique opportunity to receive instant notifications of the start of trading for tokens that have already added liquidity but are not yet available for purchase. This ensures prompt reaction, helps to make informed decisions and keep a finger on the pulse of the current market situation.
Нужна гифка где юзер получает дополнительный сигнал в Телеграм об открытии торгов
#AntiWhale limit data (in tx and wallet)
Users have exclusive access to AntiWhale and TransferLimits information in the "Contract Score" section. This allows them to monitor and manage token purchase limits per transaction and the maximum number of tokens allowed per wallet. This important data can also be passed to our telegram bot or used when interacting with sniper bots. This ensures the successful execution of transactions and prevents the possibility of acquiring tokens in excess of their subsequent sale.
Нужна гифка где юзер настраивает в виджете «Filter Settings» именно эти свойства
And also view the data in the "new tokens table"
Гифка где юзер выбирает просматривает в таблице новых токенов данный критерий
#Activation of a referral link
The user gets the opportunity to activate their referral link and receive 20% commissions for each package purchased through their referral link. This provides an additional source of income for premium users in Lotus Market.
Once "Tier 2"is activated, the user permanently gains access to the referral system
Telegram bot (active/inactive).
This functions is required for you to authorize in our Telegram bot so that you can receive notifications;
Plate with the current dash.
Displays your current dash and its end date;
This is your unique number by which we identify you in the system;
These are users who have connected their Telegram account and are fully connected to you;
This is the amount of your referral rewards.
All rewards are automatically credited immediately after your referral bundle purchase within a few minutes
#Protection from dead blocks
Premium users benefit from dead block protection, which significantly reduces transaction risks.This function allows users to avoid unwanted situations and ensures safe and secure trading in the first blocks of a purchase.
Гифка где юзер выбирает галочку “учитывать мертвые блоки” в панели фильтер сетингс
And also view the data in the"new tokens table"
Гифка где юзер выбирает просматривает в таблице новых токенов данный критерий
#Inner system filter
The user can use an additional filter to analyze the contract itself, which includes several unifying and important factors.
Гифка где юзер выбирает галочки в выпадающем списке “Inner system filter” в панели фильтер сетингс
And also view the data in the "new tokens table"
Гифка где юзер выбирает просматривает в таблице новых токенов данный критерий
# Social score information
for advanced functionality. Don't forget that by connecting only a Telegram account you get access to the free 0 to 100 that takes into account a variety of external factors in order to quickly decide whether a given token matches their social and technological preferences.
You can read more about it in the corresponding section. 🪷 About Lotus Market -> ☀️ Introduction # Social Score
#Twitter verification (soon)
The user will be able, if necessary, to apply filters to tokens that have successfully confirmed their Twitter status.
Гифка где юзер просматривает верификации аккаунта социальной информации по токену о твитере
And also view the data in the "new tokens table"
#Social authenticity verification (soon)
Users will be able to filter tokens that have successfully passed social data verification for authenticity and fraudulent schemes, making it much easier to choose the right token.
Гифка где юзер просматривает верификации и подленость социальной информации по токену
And also view the data in the "new tokens table"
#Tokenomics analysis (soon)
Users will be able to see and filter tokens with wallets such as admin tokens, private holders, Dex exchange buyers, airdrop participants and others. This will provide an opportunity to assess how much tokens are being vested, as well as how much the holders of available tokens can influence the price.
#Token Score (soon)
Provides the user with the ability to get a final token score, taking into account all applied filters on various criteria and summarizing into a single score from 0 to 100.
You can read more about it in the corresponding section. 🪷 About Lotus Market -> ☀️ Introduction # Social Score