
👁 Tier 0

This type of user includes those who connected to our system through a Telegram account. It's open to everyone, and the ability to connect is completely free (watch the 🔥 Premium -> 📢 Introduction )

So, what do our users get by activating the free "Tier 0":

  • Everything I had 🎩 Anonym user
  • Accessible bell during new listing
  • Risk information in smart-contract
  • Save favourites

Below we provide information to help you better understand the above points, and after reading, you can look at the benefits 🏆 Tier 1 and make a buying decision to increase your chances of successful trading.

Learn more by visiting our premium page

Users have the ability to audibly control new tokens that come to market, this function is easily customized using the controllers above the new token table

The user can get the ability to analyze about the risks, by the methods we have caught in the smart contract, and evaluate the potential risks before interacting with tokens. This data can be found in the column Contract Score

Users get a convenient way to manage and keep track of the tokens they like by simply clicking on the heart icon in the Save column